“For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you”
John 13:15
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Our VBS is always FREE!
Bible Lessons, Crafts, Games, Snacks, and Music
Grades: K-8
Location: 32579 Dever Conner Rd. NE Albany, OR 97321
Date: June 17-20th 2024 (Monday-Thursday)
Starting/Ending times each day: 9:00 am- 12pm
Please let us know if you’re child will need a ride and we can make arrangements!
Questions? Contact Pastor Mike Dixon (541) 974-0443
This year we will learn about Jesus character and how to follow him in our own “habitats”. Jesus came to save us so that we might know and share his love. Just as different animals have amazing skills, special habitats and surprising features, Jesus has even more amazing attributes to learn about! And the great thing is, we can learn to follow him and see his awesome power in our lives and others!
Daily Lessons:
Day 1~
Memory Verse – 1 Peter 1:16
Jesus proved His holiness and provided the way for us to be holy too!

Day 2 ~
Memory Verse – Mark 6:34
Jesus showed the compassion for people that He wants us to show.
Day 3 ~ Christ’s Humility in Us
Memory Verse – John 13:15
Jesus humbly served others and wants us to be like Him.

Day 4 ~
Memory Verse – Acts 1:8
Jesus faithfully obeyed the Father and will help us be faithful too!
Vacation Bible School Registration Form (FREE):
Scroll down to complete and submit the registration form.